Arbroath Change Chelsea England Euro League 3 year contracts



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Could Chelsea go bust under Abramovich?

Chelsea's losses under Abramovich

  • 2003-4  £88 million
  • 2004-5  £140 million
  • 2005-6  £80 million

Total loss on 2005/6 transfers - £100 million

Top salary - Peter Keynon, £5.2 million

Future promises: 

  • Player salaries will account for under 55% of turnover
  • Club will break even by 2009-10

On this basis - assuming these last two points are true, then the first profit will be made in 2010-11, by which time the club will have accumulated further losses.  It might look a bit like this

  • 3 years up to 2006 £308 million
  • 2006-7  £60 million
  • 2007-8  £40 million 
  • 2008-9    £20 million
  • 2009-10  Zero

Thus entering their profitable phase the club will have accumulated losses of £428 million.  That assumes that no only does the plan work, but also that Chelsea do not speculate by taking on a new stadium.  If so, that could double their losses.  A slippage in their plan, or a decision to out-Arsenal Arsenal by building something even bigger could take them up to accumulated debts of £1 billion.

Quite a lot really.  And for the first time the question could be asked - does the owner really have that much money?



Last modified: February 23, 2008


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