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Some of the crazy things that our rivals in the Premiership have got up to in the recent past.   Plus a little passing comment on each one.

Latest updates


  • Derby - failing to learn from history.

  • Chelsea - all the news on John Terry and Wright Phillips, and their in-house TV station.

  • Liverpool Weetabix - a player out of touch with everything and manager out of touch with reality.

  • Man City - just how great were their managers?

  • Bolton - one statistic that summarises the club.

  • Man U and their use of hookers

 These pages are gradually being updated to include the distinguishing features of each club, including


  • Nickname (that is the real nickname, not some fancy media invented nickname)

  • Most notorious person

  • Ownership

  • Best known song

  • Most obvious tactics


Last modified: February 23, 2008


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